30 - 31. 5. 2024


09:00 – 17:00


Hong Kong Ocean Park
Marriott Hotel


Conference Topics

The 11th International Conference on BIM Technology is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the BIM technology and its applications. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and BIM tool developers around the world to present their work on topical areas related to BIM and this year’s theme: "Empower Construction Digitalisation and Smart City Management with BIM." Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Smart Cities Development Roadmap: Visions, Challenges and Strategies
    ■ Government Policies and Strategies of Smart City Development
    ■ Macro-environment and Strategies of BIM Technologies design and applications
  • Integration and Development of BIM and Smart Technology
    ■ Innovative applications of BIM and artificial intelligence in design process (Smart Design)
    ■ Best Practices and forecast of interactions between BIM and MiC in smart construction (Smart Construction)
    ■ The future of big data and artificial intelligence in smart properties and facilities management (Smart Operation)
    ■ Implementation of BIM in construction projects and its challenges (All Lifecycle Management of Construction Projects)
  • Development of BIM talents in Hong Kong
    ■ BIMware: East meet West
    ■ Opportunities and Challenges of BIMmigrants in Hong Kong
    ■ Experience of promoting BIM in Hong Kong
  • BIM Implementation in Mega Projects: Challenges and Enablers
  • 智願藍圖 – 智慧城市發展路線: 願景、挑戰和策略
    ■ 政府政策與智慧城市策略
    ■ 宏觀環境與BIM技術設計與應用策略
  • 交融 – BIM與智慧科技之融合與發展
    ■ BIM和人工智慧在建築設計中的創新應用(智能設計)
    ■ BIM與MIC的智能建造實踐和展望(智能建造)
    ■ 大數據和人工智慧在智慧園區、智慧城市中的未來發展(智慧運維)
    ■ BIM在建築專案中的應用與挑戰(全生命期應用)
  • – 香港BIM人才培訓發展現況
    ■ BIM東西豪傑
    ■ 港漂生活 – 外地來港的BIM人才之機遇與挑戰
    ■ 在香港推動BIM的樂與苦
  • – 大型專案中BIM 的最佳實踐:挑戰與應用

Submission Guidelines

  • Chinese / English Paper is accepted.
  • The paper must be original and should not have been published and/or presented in any academic or professional journal and/or conference prior to the captioned conference.
  • Each paper should be within 6 pages in A4 (Font Size: 11, Line Spacing: 1.08 lines)
  • Paper Format Template can be founded in publication website as your reference (only available in Simplified Chinese):

Submission Deadline

Paper Submission: 31 Mar 2024

Each presenter must submit the full paper with the submission subject:
(The 11th Intl Conf on BIM Technology – Presenter Paper Topic)
via below web portal or email address on or before 31 Mar 2024.

Submission Portal (only Chinese available): OR
Email Submission:

Result Announcement: 15 Apr 2024
After the review of your paper, the organizing committee will notify you by 15 Apr, 2024.

Finalized Paper Submission: 10 May 2024
If your paper is accepted, you should submit your final paper by 10 May 2024 and the paper will be published on CNKI (中国知网).

Paper Presentation (by invitation): 30 May 2024
Distinguished papers will be invited to attend and present at the captioned conference on 30 May 2024 in Hong Kong, China and will be nominated to be published on leading journal - Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture (土木建筑工程信息技术).


Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact our event secretariat,
Ms Boey FUNG / Ms Connie KWONG at (+852) 3500 9436 / 3502 2156 or
email us at